A Guide to Advance Funding on Your Lawsuit

Welcome to our FAQ section.  The guide is designed to help you with any questions you may have before taking an advance. Click on a question to reveal an explanation or download our brochure for more information: Frontier Legal Funding Brochure

What can Frontier Legal Funding do for me?

Frontier can help you get cash in 24 hours.

How can i get cash now?

Through advance funding of your pending lawsuit (pre-settlement), after your lawsuit is settled (post-settlement), or by refinancing your existing advance at a better rate – guaranteed.

What is pre-settlement funding?

Pre-settlement funding is a cash advance on future compensation from your claim.  Pre-settlement funding is not a loan. You are not borrowing money from a company that you must pay back over a set number of years. Instead, you are selling a portion of your future settlement proceeds in exchange for an advance. Clients receive cash relief for that time in-between when everyday life won’t wait.

And there are no out-of-pocket costs, no credit checks, and no risks. You are provided with non-recourse funding which means if you lose your case you are not required to pay back anything.

What is post-settlement funding?

Even after a case has settled, it can take several months or even years before you actually receive payment of your settlement. Post-settlement can help pay bills while you wait.

Why choose Frontier Legal Funding?

Life is fast and busy and it’s not easy to slow down.  Choose Frontier and you will not have to. The process to get your cash is fast and efficient.  Once you provide us with your information, including the lawyer handling your case, we will promptly start the process. We offer:

  • Cash in 24-hours once you qualify
  • We provide the lowest possible fees
  • The ability to re-finance an existing pre-settlement claim at a guaranteed lower rate
  • No additional fees or surprises!

We believe in honesty and stand by a promise of articulating simple and tangible solutions.  We do not hide behind complex, sophisticated financial jargon but state our answers in easy to understand steps, facts and actions.   

We seek success in an interdependent teamwork governed by an all-around transparent process. 

Frontier Legal Funding will work towards a final goal of bringing about the support that you need and the comfort of knowing that you are not alone during these trying times!

Join us today and allow us to share our knowledge, strength and ability to make a difference in the lives of our clients!

What does “Non-Recourse” mean? Is it a loan?

Pre- or post-settlement funding is not a loan! It is an advance granted that is backed by your pending lawsuit and not you personally. Non-recourse means that if the case is unsuccessful and you do not receive a settlement, you do not have to repay the funding company anything. If there is no settlement, the money you had been advanced is yours to keep.

For successful cases: At the conclusion of your case your law firm will repay the funding company for the advance you took out of the settlement proceeds.

For unsuccessful cases: If your case is unsuccessful the advance is yours to keep.

What are the “Pros and Cons” of a pre- or post-settlement cash advance?

Every situation is different. There is no one answer for all cases. Making an informed decision about your financial future means you have to consider all the facts, address the advantages and disadvantages, and apply them to your case.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the advance being used for and do I really need it?
  • How much of an advance do I really need? Do I need it all now?
  • What will I have to pay back depending on how long the case takes? After 1 year, 2 years, etc.
  • Can I get the money I need at a lower rate by refinancing a home mortgage, a credit card, borrowing from a family member, or a bank loan?
  • What is my case worth today and what could it be worth if I hold out for a year or more?

If a cash advance on your settlement helps “level the playing field” against the insurance company, then pre-settlement funding can become a valuable resource to use.

What kind of cases does Frontier cover?

Almost all cases in which there is “general negligence” that can result in a financial reward to you (the plaintiff) are eligible for “advance funding,” including: Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Medical Malpractice, Surgery Funding, Attorney Funding, Commercial Litigation.

Frontier Legal Funding will consider funding any type of lawsuit. If your case is not listed, we may still be able to approve it. Just give us a call.

How does this work?

To qualify for pre- or post-settlement funding, you need to call or submit an on-line application. Once you provide us with your information, including the lawyer handling your case, we will promptly start the process.

After your lawyer provides us with the information that we need, and as long as you qualify, we will calculate the percentage of cash you can receive – between 15-20% — and have it in your hands within 24 hours.  Aside from the speed of our process, we want to provide our clients with the lowest fees possible. We also offer refinancing on your current settlement and guarantee a better rate.

Frontier Legal Funding is a direct lender, in other words, we handle everything ourselves so there are no additional fees and no middlemen.

How much cash can I get?

The answer is based on a simple formula which considers liability (who is at fault for the accident), damages (injuries, treatment, lost wages, etc.), and available insurance for your claim to be recovered.   

Damages + Liability + Insurance = Cash Advance 

This amount can be up to 15-20% of your estimated settlement.

Is a cash advance on my settlement a good idea? Will it hurt my case?

A pre- or post-settlement advance will not hurt your case in any way. What if you are in an accident and you are saddled with medical bills, car repairs, or travel expenses? What happens if you are unable to work and have mortgage payments, college tuition, groceries bills, and other expenses?

Your whole life has been turned upside down and it looks like your case will take 1-2 years before it’s settled. Obtaining a cash advance will help you get through the tough times. While there is an expense associated with a cash advance, consider that you would suffer a loss if you push to settle your case pre-maturely. That loss could be far greater than the cost of taking the advance.

You deserve full compensation.

How fast can I get funded?

Once approved, you receive your funds within 24 hours!

What if I have bad credit?

Credit checks are not needed to receive funding from Frontier Legal Funding. We do not pull your credit report. Advance funding is NOT a loan, but rather a cash advance on future compensation from your claim.

Can I get more cash later?

This will depend greatly on the details of your lawsuit but in principle, yes.

Should I take a large advance now or monthly advances to replace my salary?

Taking a large advance now vs. monthly advances depends on your personal needs. It is more cost-effective to take monthly advances if you are replacing your salary. If your advance includes covering medical bills, car payments, tuition or other similar monetary responsibilities, you may have to consider a large advance.

Why do lawsuits take so long to settle?

Most personal injury cases take approximately 18 months to settle, however, every case is different. You should consult your legal counsel for a more accurate assessment of your case.

Getting the maximum amount of compensation for your claim can take time. Generally speaking, a pre-settlement advance buys you the time you need until you are offered a fair settlement.

Can I pay my advance before my case settles?

Yes, you are permitted to repay your advance at any time without penalty. Funds may have become available to you that you weren’t expecting, and you want to avoid any additional expenses incurred on your advance. In deciding to repay in advance you may want to consider that if your case turns out to be unsuccessful you would not have to repay the money back. So, while it may save you some money to repay early, it may prove to be a bad decision.

How is my settlement distributed once the case is settled?

Once your case is settled the check is sent to your attorney’s office. Your attorney deposits the check into their Trust of Escrow account. It is then the attorney’s responsibility to repay bills, costs, and liens on your case.

1st: Attorney’s fee and costs

2nd: State and Federal liens

3rd: Medical Bills

4th: Pre-settlement funding

After all of the above is paid, the remaining money from your settlement will be distributed to you.

What if I lose my case?

We take the risk with our clients. Frontier Legal Funding’s experts work closely with attorneys to determine the chances that you’ll win before we approve your application. If you don’t win the case, there is no obligation to repay us.

Why wasn’t my application for funding approved?

There are a number of reasons that could influence a positive decision for a cash advance:

  • Three primary factors are considered:
    1. Damages: how injuries have affected your life, income, work status
    2. Liability: determining who is at-fault
    3. Insurance: the amount of insurance the at-fault party has
  • Pre-existing injuries from a prior accident that aggravated your condition
  • You have the option to “Re-finance” your current advance with Frontier Legal Funding to pay off the first advance. Inquire about competitive rates.
How do I get started?

Contact us immediately by phone at (855) 385-FUND, email at info@FrontierLF.com, or complete our short application.  It is as simple as the click of a few buttons.

Once the process is started, we will handle everything and let you know as soon as possible if you are approved.

Once approved you will need to sign a contract to complete your cash advance.

As soon as this is complete, your money is on its way to you via wire transfer or overnight check.

  • Cash in 24-hours once you qualify
  • We provide the lowest possible fees
  • The ability to re-finance an existing pre-settlement claim at a guaranteed lower rate
  • No additional fees or surprises!

We believe in honesty and stand by a promise of articulating simple and tangible solutions.  We do not hide behind complex, sophisticated financial jargon but state our answers in easy to understand steps, facts and actions.

We seek success in an interdependent teamwork governed by an all-around transparent process.

Frontier Legal Funding will work towards a final goal of bringing about the support that you need and the comfort of knowing that you are not alone during these trying times!

Join us today and allow us to share our knowledge, strength and ability to make a difference in the lives of our clients!

Get cash immediately, risk-free, before your lawsuit is settled.